9mm PCP kiirladimis ots (FX, Hatsan jt) 1/8" keermega
Läbimõõt: 9mm
Sobivus: FX, Hatsan, Logun, Webley ja teised 9mm avaga PCP õhupüssid
Tavalise NBR tihenduga
Tagumine kinnitus: 1/8" keermega, sama mis pumba/ballooni voolikul
9mm PCP kiirladimis ots (FX, Hatsan jt) Quick sabaga
Läbimõõt: 9mm
Sobivus: FX, Hatsan, Logun, Webley ja teised 9mm avaga PCP õhupüssid
Tavalise NBR tihenduga
Tagumine kinnitus: paintball kiirühendus
Air Arms T-bar adapter 1/8" keermega
Sobivus: Air Arms S200, S400, S410 ja teised samaväärse kinnitusega
Tagumine kinnitus: 1/8" keermega, sama mis pumba/ballooni voolikul
Diana 350 Magnum vedru
Vedru Diana 350 Magnum õhkrelvadele.
Tagab maksimaalse täpsuse Diana püssidel.
Pikkus 350 mm, läbomõõt sees 14,5 mm, väljas 20,7mm, traat 3,1 mm
Diana 48, 52, 54, 56 vedru
Vedru Diana 48/52/54/56 õhkrelvadele.
Standart versioon
Tagab maksimaalse täpsuse Diana püssodel.
Pikkus 290 mm, läbomõõt sees 14,6 mm, väljas 21mm, traat 3,2 mm
GAMO Hoolduskomplekt 6212413
Gamo puhastus komplekt sisaldab kõike, mis püssi omanikule vaja selle hooldamiseks. Komplekti karp on samaaegselt ka püssi alus, et hooldus ja puhastus oleksid mugavamad.
Komplektis on Gamo relvaõli, puhastustroppid, puhastusvarss jne.
NFV OÜ soovitab sellist komplekti algajast õhkrelvaomanikule või inimesele, kes kasutab püssi harva.
GAMO Mansetti kinnitus M5 keermega (Custom)
Mitte-origimaal kinnitus GAMO mansettile
Võimaldab kinnitada GAMO mansett 12540 mitte-GAMO püssidele -
H&N Excite Hammer 0,51g 500tk 4,5mm
H&N Excite Hammer - soodne, kuid täpne
Keskmnisest kergem, kuid piisavalt täpne treeningkuul õhkrelvadele ja CO2 relvadele. Ümarpea küül rihveldatud seelikuga.
4,5mm (.177) Diabolo
Kaal: 0,51 g.
Karbis: 500 tk.
Alamkaliiber : 4.50
H&N Field Target Trophy 0.56g 500tk
H&N Field Target Trophy
Keskmise kaaluga täpsed kuulid, õhupüssidele alates 7,5J (soovituslik 16J)
4,5mm (.177) Diabolo
BC 0,021
Kaal: 0,56 g.
Karbis: 500 tk.
Alamkaliiber : 4.52
JSB Diabolo Exact BEAST 1,050g 250tk 4,5mm - ÜLIRASKE!
Üks maailma raskemaid 4,5 mm ümarpea kuule - ainult supervõimsale relvale (1,05 g!)
Sama kaaluga, kui enamik 0.22 cal õhkrelva kuulidest!
Käsitsi sorteeritud ja masinaga pakitud
NB! Sobivad 32+ J õhkrelvadele (PCP); parim tulemus 50J juures
Alla 30J ei ole mõtet seda kasutada - JSB Heavy annab paremat tulemust
Karbis 250 tk
Alamkaliiber 4.52
NB! See kuul on ERITI PIKK ja ei sobi mõnele mitmelasulisele püssile just pikkuse tõttu! (ei mahu magasiini)
Due to its weights, a specially designed shape, perfect distribution of centre of gravity and alignment the Exact products are the best choice for longer-distance outdoor (and indoor) shooting. Exact products, just as all the other products, undergo a thorough hand-pick quality control. We guarantee the quality of the products, the rest of successful shooting is entirely up to you ... The whole Exact series is the ethanol of the quality for the sporting and leisure shooters of the Field Target discipline (outdoor shooting up to 50 meters), hunter and enthusiasts testing the air guns in extreme distances (up to 200 meters) and it is necessary to mention, that it is very successful. They are produced in a wide range of weight as well as diameter, so that they can be ideally produced for every single weapon.
At least 90% of all participants at the Field Target World Championship in Italy 2011 used on of our Exact pellets.
Ammunition tested by 45 meters shooting. The required result after five shots is a group where centre to centre of the shots is up to 12mm.
Diabolo Exact Beast
New heavist ammunition for seriously powerful air guns. Have you really got a powerful weapon? Then Exact Beast is the right choice. Heavy. Stable. Accurate. It is being appraised for its low sensitivity for weather and windy conditions.
WEIGHT DIAMETER 1.050 4.52 Alamkaliiber : 4.52
JSB Diabolo Exact Lead Free - pliivaba 0,44g 200tk
Pliivabad kuulid - ideaalne oma aias või looduses laskmiseks!
Kerge ja suurema täpsusega ümarpea kuulid.
Raskem, kui konkurentide pliivabad kuulid (0,44g) kuid siiski kergem keskmine kuul: võimsuse piirang 22-23J
NB! Pakendis 200tk
Alamkaliiber : 4.52
JSB Exact 0,547g 4,50 mm 500tk
Keskmise raskusega ümarpea kuulid.
Tõenäoliselt, parim kuul maailmas.
Universaalsed, sobivad enamikule 3-27J õhkrelvadele.
Alamkaliiber 4.50 mm (NB! Võib olla liiga vaba mõnedel püssidel, standart 4.52mm)
Due to its weights, a specially designed shape, perfect distribution of centre of gravity and alignment the Exact products are the best choice for longer-distance outdoor (and indoor) shooting. Exact products, just as all the other products, undergo a thorough hand-pick quality control. We guarantee the quality of the products, the rest of successful shooting is entirely up to you ... The whole Exact series is the ethanol of the quality for the sporting and leisure shooters of the Field Target discipline (outdoor shooting up to 50 meters), hunter and enthusiasts testing the air guns in extreme distances (up to 200 meters) and it is necessary to mention, that it is very successful. They are produced in a wide range of weight as well as diameter, so that they can be ideally produced for every single weapon.
At least 90% of all participants at the Field Target World Championship in Italy 2011 used on of our Exact pellets.
Ammunition tested by 45 meters shooting. The required result after five shots is a group where centre to centre of the shots is up to 12mm.
Diabolo Exact
Characteristics: The company’s best seller. It is absolutely the most popular ammunition at present. The weight has been designed so that it agrees with most of the FT air rifles on the market. It is a very functional profile common for the whole Exact series. It owes its stable flying properties especially to the higher weight and the ideal gravity centre placement. The perfect alignment once again guarantees a perfect grouping! Muzzle velocity is 240 m/s if the power of airgun is set to 16J.
WEIGHT DIAMETER 0.547 4.50 0.547 4.51 0.547 4.52 0.547 4.53 Alamkaliiber : 4.50
JSB Exact 0,547g 4,53 mm 500tk
Keskmise raskusega ümarpea kuulid.
Tõenäoliselt, parim kuul maailmas.
Universaalsed, sobivad enamikule 3-27J õhkrelvadele.
Alamkaliiber 4.53 mm (NB! Võib olla liiga tihe mõnedel püssidel)
Due to its weights, a specially designed shape, perfect distribution of centre of gravity and alignment the Exact products are the best choice for longer-distance outdoor (and indoor) shooting. Exact products, just as all the other products, undergo a thorough hand-pick quality control. We guarantee the quality of the products, the rest of successful shooting is entirely up to you ... The whole Exact series is the ethanol of the quality for the sporting and leisure shooters of the Field Target discipline (outdoor shooting up to 50 meters), hunter and enthusiasts testing the air guns in extreme distances (up to 200 meters) and it is necessary to mention, that it is very successful. They are produced in a wide range of weight as well as diameter, so that they can be ideally produced for every single weapon.
At least 90% of all participants at the Field Target World Championship in Italy 2011 used on of our Exact pellets.
Ammunition tested by 45 meters shooting. The required result after five shots is a group where centre to centre of the shots is up to 12mm.
Diabolo Exact
Characteristics: The company’s best seller. It is absolutely the most popular ammunition at present. The weight has been designed so that it agrees with most of the FT air rifles on the market. It is a very functional profile common for the whole Exact series. It owes its stable flying properties especially to the higher weight and the ideal gravity centre placement. The perfect alignment once again guarantees a perfect grouping! Muzzle velocity is 240 m/s if the power of airgun is set to 16J.
WEIGHT DIAMETER 0.547 4.50 0.547 4.51 0.547 4.52 0.547 4.53 Alamkaliiber : 4.53
JSB KnockOut Slugs 0,650g 500tk - nüüd ka 4,5mm!
JSB pakub nüüd uut tüübi kuulid (Slugs) ka 4.5mm kaliibris.
Erinevalt diaboolist, Slug-tüübi kuulidel on palju parem BC ehk see kaotab eneergiat (kiirust) aeglasem.
NB! Mitte kõik püssid suudavad selliste kuulidega hästi lasta, kuid igatahes on proovimist väärt.
Kaal: 0,65g
BC: 0,047
Alamkaliiber: 4,54mm
Pakendis: 500tk
Alamkaliiber : 4.51
JSB KnockOut Slugs 0,87g 400tk - nüüd ka raskem 4,5mm!
JSB pakub nüüd uut tüübi kuulid (Slugs) ka 4.5mm kaliibris.
Raskem versioon: 0,87g
Erinevalt diaboolist, Slug-tüübi kuulidel on palju parem BC ehk see kaotab eneergiat (kiirust) aeglasem.
NB! Mitte kõik vintrauad suudavad selliste kuulidega hästi lasta, kuid igatahes on proovimist väärt.
Kaal: 0,87g
BC: 0,066 (!)
Alamkaliiber: 4,52mm
Pakendis: 400tk
Alamkaliiber : 4.52
JSB PREDATOR METALMAG .177 200tk - nüüd metallotsaga!
Keskmise raskusega jahikuul (0,550 g).
Parim jahi kuul maailmas (USA patent, sellest ka premium hind) nüüd veidi raskem ja metallotsaga
Universaalsed, sobivad enamikule 16-32J õhkrelvadele.
Karbis 200 tk
Kuuli metallist terav nina on eriti täpne ja seda ei ole nii lihtne vigastada, kui pehmest metallist terava otsaga kuuli nina. Lisaks heale aerodünaamikale, mis tagab kõrgemat täpsust, teravik lööb pinnas (nahas) augu läbi ja murdub, muutes kuuli hästi ekspansiivseks.
The unique Predator Polymag pellet is manufactured in cooperation with our US partner who owns a patent for that type of pellets. The pellet consists of two parts: hollow point lead pellets with inserted Polymer tip.High precision of all the parts and perfect assembly assure the shooter that he will never miss the target.
The patented Predator Polymag is a premium quality hunting pellet which combines a hollow head with a sharp polymer tip for unsurpassed performance on small game. Whether ridding your garden of unwanted pests or stalking your favorite hardwoods in search of squirrel, experience excellent accuracy and efficiency when hunting with Predator Polymags.
The Predator PolymagTM (polymer tip pellet) was designed specifically to be the most effective and efficient airgun hunting ammunition available.
Alamkaliiber : 4.50
Keskmise raskusega jahikuul (0,520 g).
Parim jahi kuul maailmas (USA patent, sellest ka premium hind)
Universaalsed, sobivad enamikule 16-32J õhkrelvadele.
Näidanud eriti head tulemust Hatsan-125 gaaskolbvedruga, kiirusega 330 m/s
Karbis 200 tk
Kuuli plastikust terav nina on eriti täpne ja seda ei ole nii lihtne vigastada, kui pehmest metallist terava otsaga kuuli nina. Lisaks heale aerodünaamikale, mis tagab kõrgemat täpsust, teravik lööb pinnas (nahas) augu läbi ja murdub, muutes kuuli hästi ekspansiivseks.
The unique Predator Polymag pellet is manufactured in cooperation with our US partner who owns a patent for that type of pellets. The pellet consists of two parts: hollow point lead pellets with inserted Polymer tip.High precision of all the parts and perfect assembly assure the shooter that he will never miss the target.
The patented Predator Polymag is a premium quality hunting pellet which combines a hollow head with a sharp polymer tip for unsurpassed performance on small game. Whether ridding your garden of unwanted pests or stalking your favorite hardwoods in search of squirrel, experience excellent accuracy and efficiency when hunting with Predator Polymags.
The Predator PolymagTM (polymer tip pellet) was designed specifically to be the most effective and efficient airgun hunting ammunition available.
Alamkaliiber : 4.50
JSB Ultra Shock HEAVY 0,670g 350tk - ekspansiivne Heavy
Uus "Heavy" kuuli variatsioon, mis optimeeritud jahile.
Ultra Shock on JSB uusim sari, milles hetkel vaid 1 mudel (kahes kaliibsris: 4,5 ja 5,5)
Karbis 350 tk.
Alamkaliiber 4,52mm
Alamkaliiber : 4.52
Nahk mansett - vene õhkrelvad IŽ (MP) 38 / 53 / 60 / 61 / 612
Kolva mansett nahast
Venemaa toode
ИЖ-60 / MP-60
ИЖ-61 / MP-61
Läbimõõt 25-26 mm
NB! Nahast mansett peab olema immutatud relvaõlis enne paigaldamist
Vajab relvaõliga immutamist regulaarselt (kuivanud mansetti kasutamine rikkub selle)
Ei karda "diislit", ei põle.
Ei sobi suurema võimsusega relvadele (max 16J)
Õhkrelva summuti SilentStill 4,5mm 1/2" UNF, Ceracote
Täismetallist summuti
Erinevalt paljudest teistest õhkrelva summutitest, SilentStill .177 summuti ei sisalda vatti, fliisi ega muid materjale, mis võivad aja jooksul laguneda. Summuti töö põhineb väga täpse avaga erikujulistel vaheseintel, mistõttu summiti ka väga nõudlik kinnituskeerme täpsusele: seda ei tohi kasutada erinevate üleminekutega.
- Loodud spetsiaalselt .177 ehk 4,5mm kaliibri jaoks
- Täismetall konstruktsioon
- Ceracote keraamiline värv (Sniper Gray)
- Riidest kott
- Proovi 14 päeva!
NB! Summuti on väga tundlik vintraua keerme täpsusele. Tsentrist välljas, viltu vms mittesobiv keere võib põhjustada kuuli kokkusattumist vaheseintega.
KINDLASTI TULEB TEHA PROOVILASKMIST TÄPSUSELE 14p jooksul peale ostu: grupp koos summutiga ja ilma peab olema sama. Kui summutiga gruppid ei ole sama head, siis antud relvale peaks otsima muud, suurema avaga summutit.
NB! AINULT KALIIBRILE 4,5mm! 5,5mm ei sobi!!
Optiline sihik HAWKE VANTAGE IR 3-9x50 MD, MIL DOT RETICLE, 14230
Optiline sihik VANTAGE 3-9X50 - pakiautomaadi saatmine tasuta!
Objektiivi suurus: 50mm
Suum 3x-9x
Toru 25mm (1")
Korralik Hawke Mil-Dot sihik
An extensive range of scopes to suit all calibres and disciplines.
All Vantage riflescopes feature our H2 optics in a variety of configurations.
- Capped Low-Profile Turrets
- 1 Inch Mono-Tube Chassis
- Illumination
- 11 Layer Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
- High Torque Zoom Ring
- Fast Focus Eyebell
Nitrogen purged. Shockproof. Waterproof. Fog proof.
All calibre rated.
Hawke No-Fault Lifetime Warranty.
Mil Dot Illuminated Reticle
The classic Mil Dot features multiple aim points for hold-over and hold-under. Accurate mil spacing on 10x, featuring 4 Mil Dots in each direction. Glass etched reticle that has 5 brightness levels of illumination in both red and green, or can be turned off for a solid black reticle.
UUS PCP Pump Hill MK5 Dry-Pac + värviline täiteaine
Tuntud kvaliteetpumpade tootja Hill uusim mudel.
Täiesti uus sisu - 20% kergem pumpamine, jõuab 300 BAR-ni väiksema jõurakendamisega kui enne-
Patenteeritud Dry-Pac veeeraldus süsteem, mis eemaldab kuni 90% õhu niiskusest. Uued Dry-Pac süsteemi graanulid vahetavad värvi, muutes roheliseks siis kui on aeg neid uuendada.
NB! Mahub ainult OMNIVA pakiautomaati, SMARTPOST saatmine ei sobi!
Weuhrauch HW50 HW57 HW99 peavedru
Weichrauch HW50 / HW57 peavedru
Sobib ka Weichrauch HW9931 keerdu
30 mm traat
Pikkus 250mm, läbimõõt sees 14 mm väljas 20,8 mm
Võimsus ca 16J
- HW50
- HW57
- HW99