Suuremaga kaliibriga õhupüssikuulid.

Eestis vähe kasutatud, kuna üle 4.5mm kaliibriga õhkrelv nõuab relvaluba.

Samas, hästi populaarne kaliiber naaberriikides (Läti, Soome, Venemaa)

Cal.22 / 5,5mm


  1. JSB Diabolo Exact JUMBO Beast 2.200g 150tk - cal 5.5

    Üliraske - 2.200g!  -  ja suurema täpsusega ümarpea kuulid.

    Cal 5,5 mm!

    Käsitsi sorteeritud ja masinaga pakitud

    Suurema raskusega, sobivad   magnum 5,5mm  õhkrelvadele.

    Karbis 150 tk

    Alamkaliiber 5.52



    Exact Jumbo Beast


    Weight Diameter Packaging
    2.200 g 5.520 150 pcs
    Alamkaliiber : 5.52
  2. JSB Diabolo Exact JUMBO HEAVY 1,175g 500tk - cal 5.5

    Raske ja suurema täpsusega ümarpea kuulid.

    Cal 5,5 mm!

    Käsitsi sorteeritud ja masinaga pakitud

    Suurema raskusega, sobivad  võimsamatele 5,5mm  õhkrelvadele.

    Karbis 500 tk

    Alamkaliiber 5.52


    Exact Jumbo Heavy


    Characteristics: Do you need a really heavy ammunition for you very powerful weapon? Do you want something accurate and well-balanced? To hit the target even in a bad weather conditions? The answer is the Exact Jumbo Heavy. Muzzle velocity is 165 m/s if the power of airgun is set to 16J.


    Weight 1.175 gDiameter 5.52Packaging 500 pcs
    Alamkaliiber : 5.52
    16,50 €
    Vaata toodet
  3. JSB Diabolo Exact JUMBO MONSTER REDESIGNED 1,645g 200tk - cal 5.5

    Eriti Raske - 1.645g -  ja suurema täpsusega ümarpea kuulid.

    Cal 5,5 mm!

    Käsitsi sorteeritud ja masinaga pakitud

    Suurema raskusega, sobivad  võimsamatele 5,5mm  õhkrelvadele.

    Karbis 200 tk

    Alamkaliiber 5.52



    Exact Jumbo Monster Redesigned


    Characteristics: New shape for better accuracy! The weight has been chosen to fit the most powerful air rifles currently available on the market. It is a really heavy weight pellets that is stable even at 50J+ power levels but fits also 70J+ rifles. Number one choice for the owners of FAC air guns. Muzzle velocity is 140 m/s if the power of airgun is set to 16J. uzzle velocity is 250 m/s if the power of airgun is set to 50J. Muzzle velocity is 295 m/s if the power of airgun is set to 70J.


    Weight Diameter Packaging
    1.645 g 5.520 200 pcs
    Alamkaliiber : 5.52
    9,46 €
    Vaata toodet
  4. JSB Diabolo Heavy Ultra Shock .22 1,645g 150tk - cal 5.5

    5,5mm  "Heavy" kuuli variatsioon, mis optimeeritud jahile.

     Ultra Shock on JSB uusim sari, milles hetkel vaid 1 mudel (kahes kaliibsris: 4,5 ja 5,5)

    Karbis 150 tk. 

    Alamkaliiber 5,52mm


    Cal 5,5 mm!

    Käsitsi sorteeritud ja masinaga pakitud

    Suurema raskusega, sobivad  võimsamatele 5,5mm  õhkrelvadele.


    Diabolo Heavy Ultra Shock .22


    Weight Diameter Packaging
    1.645 g 5.500 150 pcs
    Alamkaliiber : 5.52
  5. JSB Exact Jumbo 1,030g 5,52 mm 500tk

    Keskmise raskusega ümarpea kuulid.

    Tõenäoliselt, parim kuul maailmas.

    5,5 kalibri versioon

    Alamkaliiber 5.52



    If you ever hear about a Diabolo pellets .22 cal. inaccuracy, recommend your friends to get information about the results of sporting shooters hitting small targets up to 50 meters, or about enthusiasts activities using JSB EXACT JUMBO in unbelievable distances (see references). Or do you think that the central dispersion of 19mm in 102 yards (about 90 meters) is the sign of inaccuracy? If so, we are talking about air guns.

    Due to its weights, a specially designed shape, perfect distribution of the centre of gravity and alignment the JSB EXACT JUMBO products are the best choice for longer-distance shooting. Exact products, just as all the other products, undergo a thorough hand-picked quality control. We guarantee the quality of the products, the rest of successful shooting is entirely up to you ... Ammunition tested by 45 meters shooting. The required result after five shots is a group where centre to centre of the shots is up to 16mm.

    Exact Jumbo


    Characteristics: They are our company’s firm base of the cal. .22 ammunition range. It is not only some basic model. For its perfect equipment, its quality and design it is by right considered to be the top quality product! This type is the bestseller when it comes to .22 pellets. Muzzle velocity is 175 m/s if the power of airgun is set to 16J.


    Weight 1.030 gDiameter 5.50Packaging 250 pcs
    Weight 1.030 gDiameter 5.51Packaging 250 pcs
    Weight 1.030 gDiameter 5.52Packaging 250 pcs
    Weight 1.030 gDiameter 5.50Packaging 500 pcs
    Weight 1.030 gDiameter 5.51Packaging 500 pcs
    Weight 1.030 gDiameter 5.52Packaging 500 pcs
    Alamkaliiber : 5.52
    16,57 €
    Vaata toodet
  6. JSB KnockOut Slugs .217 1.645g 200tk - 5.5mm / .cal 22

    Kuulsad JSB Kockout Slugs  5.5mm kaliibris 

    .217 versioon: 1,645g

    Erinevalt diaboolist, Slug-tüübi kuulidel on palju parem BC ehk see kaotab eneergiat (kiirust) aeglasem. 

    NB! Mitte kõik vintrauad suudavad selliste kuulidega hästi lasta, kuid igatahes on proovimist väärt.


    Kaal: 1,645g

    BC: 0,084(!)

    Alamkaliiber: .217

    Pakendis: 200tk

    Alamkaliiber : .217
    11,18 €
    Vaata toodet
  7. JSB PREDATOR POLYMAG .22 200tk - parim jahukuul raha eest!

    Keskmise raskusega jahikuul (16gr = 1,04g).

    Parim jahi kuul maailmas (USA patent, sellest ka premium hind)

    NB! Cal 5.5 / .22

    Karbis 200 tk

     Kuuli plastikust terav nina on eriti täpne ja seda ei ole nii lihtne vigastada, kui pehmest metallist terava otsaga kuuli nina. Lisaks heale aerodünaamikale, mis tagab kõrgemat täpsust, teravik lööb pinnas (nahas) augu läbi ja murdub, muutes kuuli hästi ekspansiivseks.



    The unique Predator Polymag pellet is manufactured in cooperation with our US partner who owns a patent for that type of pellets. The pellet consists of two parts: hollow point lead pellets with inserted Polymer tip.High precision of all the parts and perfect assembly assure the shooter that he will never miss the target.

    The patented Predator Polymag is a premium quality hunting pellet which combines a hollow head with a sharp polymer tip for unsurpassed performance on small game. Whether ridding your garden of unwanted pests or stalking your favorite hardwoods in search of squirrel, experience excellent accuracy and efficiency when hunting with Predator Polymags.

    The Predator PolymagTM (polymer tip pellet) was designed specifically to be the most effective and efficient airgun hunting ammunition available.




    Alamkaliiber : 4.50