Rasked 0,65-0,95g


  1. H&N Baracuda Match 0,69g 400tk 4,5mm

    H&N Baracuda Match - täpsem Baracuda versioon

    Raske ja täpne pikamaa kuul. Esmaklassiline aerodünaamiline disain tagab suure läbitungimise. Väga kõrge täpsus. Minimaalne plii määrdumine ja ühtlane tabamuste jaotus tänu spetsiaalsele sulamile.


    • 4,5mm (.177) Diabolo

    • Ümarpea

    • BC 0,024

    • Kaal: 0,69 g.

    • Karbis: 400 tk.



    Alamkaliiber : 4.52
    10,07 €
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  2. JSB Diabolo Exact HEAVY 0,670g 500tk

    Raske ja suurema täpsusega ümarpea kuulid.

    Parim stabiilsus pikematel distantsidel ja kõvasti täpsem, kui enamik 0,65-0,75 g kuule (k.a. CP 10.5, Gamo TS-10) 

    Tõenäoliselt, parim kuul maailmas.

    Käsitsi sorteeritud ja masinaga pakitud

    Suurema raskusega, sobivad  >16J õhkrelvadele.

    Karbis 500 tk

    Alamkaliiber 4.52



    Due to its weights, a specially designed shape, perfect distribution of centre of gravity and alignment the Exact products are the best choice for longer-distance outdoor (and indoor) shooting. Exact products, just as all the other products, undergo a thorough hand-pick quality control. We guarantee the quality of the products, the rest of successful shooting is entirely up to you ... The whole Exact series is the ethanol of the quality for the sporting and leisure shooters of the Field Target discipline (outdoor shooting up to 50 meters), hunter and enthusiasts testing the air guns in extreme distances (up to 200 meters) and it is necessary to mention, that it is very successful. They are produced in a wide range of weight as well as diameter, so that they can be ideally produced for every single weapon.

    At least 90% of all participants at the Field Target World Championship in Italy 2011 used on of our Exact pellets.

    Ammunition tested by 45 meters shooting. The required result after five shots is a group where centre to centre of the shots is up to 12mm.

    Diabolo Exact Heavy

    Characteristics: Ammunition for seriously powerful air guns. Have you really got a powerful weapon? Then Exact Heavy is the right choice. Heavy. Stable. Accurate. It is being appraised for its low sensitivity for weather and windy conditions. Muzzle velocity is 215 m/s if the power of airgun is set to 16J.

    0.670 4.52


    Alamkaliiber : 4.52
    14,50 €
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  3. JSB Diabolo Exact MONSTER 0,870g 400tk - eriti raske

    Eriti raske ümarpea kuul võimsamale relvale (0,87 g!)

    Käsitsi sorteeritud ja masinaga pakitud

    NB! Sobivad  25+ J õhkrelvadele (MAGNUM vedrupüssid - Hatsan 125 ja suuremad, Diana 350, 460,  PCP)

    Karbis 400 tk

    Alamkaliiber 4.52

    NB! See kuul on suhteliselt nõudlik ja ei sobi igale relvale.

    Proovitud hea tulemusega:

    • Hatsan 125
    • Hatsan 135
    • Hatsan AT44-10
    • Cometa Lynx (Heavy ikkagi täpsem)
    • FX Impact

    Kuni 30J ja  kuni 50m JSB Heavy annab paremat tulemust - Monster on mõeldud  pikemale distantsile algkiirusega 280+ m/s (35+ J)







    Due to its weights, a specially designed shape, perfect distribution of centre of gravity and alignment the Exact products are the best choice for longer-distance outdoor (and indoor) shooting. Exact products, just as all the other products, undergo a thorough hand-pick quality control. We guarantee the quality of the products, the rest of successful shooting is entirely up to you ... The whole Exact series is the ethanol of the quality for the sporting and leisure shooters of the Field Target discipline (outdoor shooting up to 50 meters), hunter and enthusiasts testing the air guns in extreme distances (up to 200 meters) and it is necessary to mention, that it is very successful. They are produced in a wide range of weight as well as diameter, so that they can be ideally produced for every single weapon.

    At least 90% of all participants at the Field Target World Championship in Italy 2011 used on of our Exact pellets.

    Ammunition tested by 45 meters shooting. The required result after five shots is a group where centre to centre of the shots is up to 12mm.



    Diabolo Exact Monster

    Characteristics: According to its name it is the heaviest pellet available. The weight has been chosen to fit the most powerful air rifles currently available on the market. With such a combination you can get a very high power which is appreciated by the FAC air guns lovers. Another target group are shooters looking for maximum stability at any weather and windy conditions. Muzzle velocity is 190 m/s if the power of airgun is set to 16J.

    0.870 4.52


    Alamkaliiber : 4.52
    14,50 €
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  4. JSB Diabolo HADES 0,67g 500tk

    Uus, Heavy (0,67g) kaaluga ekspansiivne kuul Hades

    Suurema raskusega, sobivad  >16J õhkrelvadele.

    Karbis 500 tk

    Alamkaliiber 4.52




    Hades .177


    Weight 0.670 gDiameter 4.500Packaging 500 pcs
    Alamkaliiber : 4.52
    14,50 €
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  5. JSB KnockOut Slugs 0,650g 500tk - nüüd ka 4,5mm!

    JSB pakub nüüd uut tüübi kuulid (Slugs) ka 4.5mm kaliibris.

    Erinevalt diaboolist, Slug-tüübi kuulidel on palju parem BC ehk see kaotab eneergiat (kiirust) aeglasem. 

    NB! Mitte kõik püssid suudavad selliste kuulidega hästi lasta, kuid igatahes on proovimist väärt.


    Kaal: 0,65g

    BC: 0,047

    Alamkaliiber: 4,54mm

    Pakendis: 500tk

    Alamkaliiber : 4.51
    14,75 € 13,90 €
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  6. JSB KnockOut Slugs 0,87g 400tk - nüüd ka raskem 4,5mm!

    JSB pakub nüüd uut tüübi kuulid (Slugs) ka 4.5mm kaliibris.

    Raskem versioon: 0,87g

    Erinevalt diaboolist, Slug-tüübi kuulidel on palju parem BC ehk see kaotab eneergiat (kiirust) aeglasem. 

    NB! Mitte kõik vintrauad suudavad selliste kuulidega hästi lasta, kuid igatahes on proovimist väärt.


    Kaal: 0,87g

    BC: 0,066 (!)

    Alamkaliiber: 4,52mm

    Pakendis: 400tk

    Alamkaliiber : 4.52
    14,90 € 14,20 €
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  7. JSB Ultra Shock HEAVY 0,670g 350tk - ekspansiivne Heavy

    Uus "Heavy" kuuli variatsioon, mis optimeeritud jahile.



    Ultra Shock on JSB uusim sari, milles hetkel vaid 1 mudel (kahes kaliibsris: 4,5 ja 5,5)

    Karbis 350 tk. 

    Alamkaliiber 4,52mm


    Alamkaliiber : 4.52
    12,70 € 11,00 €
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  8. Test pack H&N Baracuda Power 35tk

    H&N Baracuda Power 4.5mm

    Test Pack, 35 tk

    Tavalisest kõvem, vasetatud, raske ümarpea kuul

    Alamkaliiber : 4.50
    2,03 €
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  9. Test pack JSB Exact beast 1.050g 4.5mm 40tk

    JSB Exact Beast 4.5mm 1,050 g test pakk - 40 tk pakis

    Alamkaliiber : 4.52
    2,03 €
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